Saturday, 21 September 2013

TAST 64-66: Top Knotted Buttonhole, Buttonhole Bar and Coral Stitch

I've seen so many examples of lovely embroidered paisley so I decided to have a go.

I did not like stitching the Top Knotted Buttonhole. At all! Because of the way the thread has to twist in order to make the knot I found it impossible to get into any sort of rhythm, which is a shame as it's an interesting-looking stitch.

Buttonhole Bar and Coral Stitch were much more enjoyable - lending themselves nicely to that all-important rhythm. Do you find that a nice rhythm when stitching makes the process much easier?

To see how to work these stitches (and a whole load more) take a look at Pin Tangle's TAST page. And also have a look at the comments for embroidery inspiration.


  1. I so agree Lilian, that is one of the things I like about hand stitching is the rhythm I get into, especially so when quilting. Paisley pattern has worked very well here.

  2. Hi!
    I'm sorry I have not visited for a long time; your blog disappeared from my reading list for some reason...
    It is lovely to see your stitches and I fully agree that a good rhythm is making stitching so much more enjoyable. For many stitches you need both hands free so if you have a frame or hoop that is fixed to a stand or table top it will make stitching so much more enjoyable.
    Margaret is right, the paisley pattern has worked well. The variegated thread also adds interest.

  3. I love paisley ! They allow so many variations.


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