Well, I've certainly fallen out of this blogging lark! Once you get out of the habit it's really hard to get back in. That's not to say I haven't been making anything, but I'm really enjoying cardmaking at the moment, which means only occasional forays into needlework.
Anyway on to the WIPs in question:
Red, white and blue crochet blanket
Very little progress to report here. I've completed all of the white-edged squares and have started filling in the gaps with blue. Still quite a few to go though.
Progress has been slow for a very good reason...
...I started a new blanket! I know, I know, but this one is special as it's to be a gift for my husband's cousin who just had a baby about a month ago. I've made really good progress considering how long the RWB blanket has been under construction.
The blanket will be a very generous 1 and a bit metres by 90cm, so hopefully baby won't outgrow it too soon. That's 10 x 9 rows of granny squares. I've crocheted all 90 and am now joining the squares together:
I also found lots of other UFOs, which should give me plenty of fodder for future WIP Wednesday posts!