Thursday, 5 April 2012

Thrify Thursday - Craft Books

Every now and again when I pass a charity shop, I like to pop in and see what craft books they have on offer.  So far I've spent about £10 on books and patterns, never spending more than £1 on a single item.  My latest find is "The Colour Library Book of Creative Needlecrafts".

It's an absolute treasure trove of techniques, stitches and designs covering Knitting, Crochet, Embroidery, Patchwork, Applique and Quilting, and all for only 50p!!!

I was especially interested in the Crochet and Embroidery sections, and those alone would have been worth the original price of £15.95.

While the clothes patterns are a very dated (it was published in 1987), the home projects and motifs are still relevant or could easily be adapted to be made more up-to-date.

There's enough in here to keep me busy for years!

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